Personlig profil


I have throughout my academic career been interested in workers conditions and in particular workers collective agency. I have done extensive research on the role of labour and of sustainability standards in global value chains and I have a broader interest in collective agency, in particular in combination with more radical alternative visions of societal relations.

Together with Jacob Rasmussen, Peter Nielsen and Emilia Lewartowska, I have started a new research project: “Producing alternative green futures: Exploring interconnections between green transitions and socioeconomic and political organization”. This collaborative research project with reserachers from South Africa (Michelle Williams and Charles Simane) and India (Ashish Kothari)  explore cases in India, South Africa and Denmark of alternative initiatives which share a holistic understanding of links between environmental sustainability and more participatory democratic modes of socioeconomic and political organizing. For more information see link

I also participate in the research project “Global Value Chains and Climate Change in Bangladesh” where I undertake research on the local recycling industry as well as local ‘slow fashion’ brands (see Link)

Eksterne ansættelser

Member of the Board of the Danish Institute for International Studies DIIS

1 aug. 2022 → …

Member of the Board of DanChurchAid

15 nov. 2020 → …


  • Samfundsøkonomi, Politik


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