Intet billede af Kirsten Simonsen

Kirsten Simonsen

dr.phil. & lic.scient.

  • Universitetsvej 1, 02

    DK-4000 Roskilde


Personlig profil



Primære forskningsfelter: social og kulturel geografi, bystudier

Min profil har udviklet sig fra bystudier og byliv, kulminerende i min doktorafhnadling fra 1993 'Byteori og hverdagspraksis' og videreført i min seneste bog (2006) 'Byens mange ansigter', til mere generelle teorier om social praksis og social rumlighed. Stikord er praksisteori, bystudier, rum og sted, geografiens historie og videnskabsteori, krop og køn, kulturel mangfoldighed.


Generelt social og kulturel geografi


- Samfundsvidenskabelig basisuddannelse: sociologi, by, planlægning og rum

- Bachelor og master niveau: geografi og social teori, social og kulturel teori, geografiens videnskabsteori, byteori, feministisk geografi

- Phd niveau: Geografi og social teori, videnskabsteori og metodologi, by, rum og sted



Department of People and Technology

Roskilde University

Postboks 260

4000 Roskilde



Academic qualifications:

1972 Cand.scient, Department of Geography, University of Copenhagen

1976 PhD, Department of Geography, University of Copenhagen

1993 Dr. Phil., (habitation)Department of Geography and International Development Studies, Roskilde University


Academic appointments:

1973-1978 Research Fellowships, University of Copenhagen, Department of Geography.

1979 Assistant Professor, Nordic Institute of Urban and Regional Studies, Stockholm.

1980-1983 Associate Professor. University of Aarhus, Department of Geography.

1983-1986 Consultant, Danish Ministry of Environment.

1986-1996 Associate Professor, Roskilde University, Department of Geography and International Development Studies.

1995-1998 Professor II, University of Oslo, Department of Human Geography.

1996 -        Professor, Roskilde University, Department of Geography and International Development Studies, (since 2006 Department of Environmental, Social and Spatial Change)

2006-2011 Professor II, University of Tromsø, Faculty of Social Science.


Academic rewards

Honorary Doctor, Stockholm University 2010


Main Research areas

Social and Cultural Geography: Everyday life, culture and identity. Spatial dimension of social theory. Practice theory. Urban development and urban life. Postcolonialism and minorities. Philosophy of science and methodology. History of ideas in Geography.


Main Research Grants and contracts

The Multiple Faces of the City, FSE  2001-2005

The Stranger, the City and the Nation, FSE 2007-2009

Paradoxical Spaces: Encountering the Other in public space 2013-2017


Editorial Boards for international journals

Co-editor Nordisk Samhällsgeografisk Tidskrift 1984-1998.

Member of editorial boards: Progress in Human Geography, Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, Geografiska Annaler, The Canadian Geographer, European Urban and Regional Studies, Social and Cultural Geography, Environment and Planning A, Qualitative Research, GeoJournal.


Research boards and evaluation tasks

Steering committee of International Critical Geography.

Member of Geography Group in Norwegian Research Council

Steering committee of Urban Programme in Norwegian Research Council.

Several committees for the Finnish Academy

Expert Council at NORDREGIO

National Evaluation Panel on Swedish University Teaching in Human Geography.

Evaluation Panel for Social Science Research, Joensuu University

Evaluation Panel on Research in Human Geography in Norway, Norwegian Research Council

Numerous Nordic evaluation assignments for PhDs, academic positions and research councils.


PhD supervision

Denmark, Roskilde University 10

                 University of Copenhagen 1

Norway, Oslo University          1

               Bergen University      1

               Tromsø University     2



  • Geografi, Geologi, Topografi
  • Geografiens videnskabsteori
  • Rum og sted
  • etniske minoriteter
  • Fysisk planlægning, Bystudier
  • Byens sociale liv
  • Krop og by
  • Rum og sted


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