Personlig profil



Bæredygtig omstilling af turisme og byggeri; miljøpolitik, politiske strategier; virksomheders miljøstrategier i relation til interessenter  development of technology and environmental performance; Den Økologiske stat, bæredygtig omstilling og Statsteori.

Sundhedsfremme politik i grænseflade til miljø og natur, sundhedsfremme i setings

Iganværende forskning

a)  Økoturisme og omstilling i naturområder

b) Miljøinnovationers baggrund

b)  Lokal Agenda 21, deliberation, ekperimenter

c)  Bæredygtig omstilling af bolig og byggeri

d)  Sundhedsfremmende praksis i institutionel hverdagskultur

e)  Politikker og strategier for Miljø og Sundhedsfremme


Education, Training and Professional University Merits:

  • o 1981-84: Student assistant at DTU, Dept. of Working Conditions, lecturers and project guiding in technology and working conditions
  • o Master of Science Degree in Technological and Socio-Economic Planning 1984, Roskilde University (RUC)
  • o 1984-87: Teaching assistant at DTU on man-machine interface, at the Technical School, Copenhagen (technical machinery dept.) on technology, environment and regulation
  • o Research Fellow at the Dept. of Working Conditions, Technical University of Denmark (DTU) 1984-86
  • o Teacher at the Technical School, Copenhagen 1985-87
  • o Research Fellow at the Dept. of Environment, Technology and Social Studies, RUC 1986-88.
  • o Assistant Professor at the same department 1988-92
  • o Associate Professor from 1992 at the same department
  • o Guest Associate Professor at Dept of Political Science, Copenhagen University 1997-2001.
  • o Director of Studies at the basic social science educational dept., Studienævnet, Sam.Basis, RUC 1994-96
  • o Member of the board of Dept. of Environment, Technology and Social Studies, RUC 1996-99
  • o Co-director of the international PhD research training network SEPMA, 1995-97
  • o Supervisor for 14 phd students at the department, member of evaluation committees for 5 external PhD dissertations, 1996-2007
  • o External examinator at the dept. of Development & Planning, AUC, 2003-
  • o Developer of a new master combination degree in Sundhedsfremme og Sundheds-strategier, (Health Promotion and Health Strategies), RUC 2004-2006
  • Director of Studies 2001-2006 at the Dept. of Environment, Technology and Social Studies, including International Master of Science in Economic & Socio-Technological Planning
  • Co-developer of a part-time post-graduate Master degree in health promotion in 2010-12
  • Coordinator of Social Science Bachelors´s course in Planning, Space and Resources 2011-

External financed international and national concerted action and R&D activities:

  • o International Environmental Regimes, Nordic Research Council, co-ordinated By Lasse Ringius, DMU, Roskilde, 1991-1993
  • o Conditions for Success in Environmental Policy, EU´s 4th Environmental research programme, coordinated by Prof. Martin Jänicke, 1993-95
  • o The Ecological State, EU´s 5th Environmental research programme, co-ordinated by Prof. Bruno Dente, IPRS, Milano, 1996-98
  • o Sustainable Communities in Europe, EU´s 5th Environmental research programme, co-ordinated by Prof. William B. Lafferty, ProSus, 1998-2001
  • o Developing project for a Danish post-graduate Master in Environmental Management, sponsored by ELU-SCKK, (The Centre for Development of Human Resources and Quality Management), Director of the development team leading to a part time master degree program. 2000-2002
  • o Environmental Innovation, EU Climate and Environment research project: ENVINNO, co-ordinated på Prof. Uwe Schubert, Director of the Danish research team,1998-2001
  • o Center for Environmental transition, COMET, coordinated by Prof. Andrew Jamison. Research network financed within the Danish Ministerial Strategic Environmental Research Program, under the CESAM research centre in Århus, 1997-2001
  • o KEMI, sponsored by Erhvervsfremmestyrelsen, a Business-research Centre contract in co-operation with DHI, DTU and DTC and a number of firms in three manufacturing chains. 2000-2003
  • o Kompetencerejsen, sponsored by SCKK (The Centre for Development of Human Resources and Quality Management), member of a development project for university based strategic development of competencies, 2003-2005
  • o Guidet organisatorisk Selvudvikling, a strategic curriculum and management project for The department of Environment, Technology and Social Studies, sponsored by SCKK (The Centre for Development of Human Resources and Quality Management). Director of the development team with Birgitte Steen Hansen, 2004-2006
  • o Misonet, a research network sponsored by SSF among Danish environmental sociologists, 2004-2006
  • The GRO Project: Greening Regional Food Experiences, an EU Regional Fund R&D Project, 2011-2014, Green Center, Roskilde University, VisitEastDenmark,
  • Health Promotion in Institutional settings, sponsored by VækstForum Sjælland and the Tryg Fund, 2011-2014
  • Ecological Experience Innovation, an R&D project for local tourism development in Zealand, DK. Financed by Region Sjælland, 2011-2013.
  • Den Lærerige Miljøoplevelse [Eco-learning Experience] sponsored by Vækst Forum Sjælland, an R &D program in registration, enhancing and promoting learning experiences on ecological destinations in Denmark. 2009-2012.
  • KIBS, Klimaorienteret Byggeri I Region Sjælland,[Climate-oriented Construction Governance in Zealand]  sponsored by Vækst Forum Sjælland, 2009-2014, a R &D program  in analyzing, transition strategies in environmental construction and housing politics.
  • INUT-Innovation i bæredygtig udvikling af naturturisme. Innnovationsfonden 2017-19. Nicheudvikling med guider fra RUC´s turisføreruddannelse, KU-Geoscience og Norrøn arkitkekter i bynær økoturisme. 
  • Nye Veje i Åmosen. Nordeafonden 2019-23. Borgerinddragelse, stakeholderinvolvering i stedsudikling, nye stier, nye formidlingsformer for lokal turisme i  landbrugsdomineret område - Naturpark Åmosen. Partnere : Naturpark Åmosen og Norrøn arkitekter.  

External Memberships

  • o Fællessekretariatets uddannelsesgruppe for Naturvejlederordningen (FUN), member of the educational development team in the Danish Nature Interpreter Organisation, 2005-2007
  • o Member of the Planning Expert Committee on Planning, DN, Danish Society for Nature Conservation, 2005-2007

Editorial activities

  • o Jesper Holm, Bente Kjærgård & Niels Kaare Pedersen (eds) "Miljøregulering - tværfaglige studier", Roskilde Universitetsforlag, p. 1-361, 1997
  • o Jesper Holm, Carsten Jahn, Jeppe Læssøe, Arne Remmen & Lars Kjerulf Petersen (eds): Brud og bevægelser i miljøindsatsen. Økologisk modernisering på dansk ( Environmental Efforts. Ecological Modernisation in Danish), Frydenlund, 2007
  • Holm, Jesper, J. O. Jensen, I. Stauning og B. Søndergaard (ed.) (2014): Bæredygtig omstilling i bolig og byggeri, Frydenlund Academic


Ecotourism and construction - building niches,;Environmental Communication; environmental policy and political strategies; corporate environmental strategies; development of technology and environmental performance; State Theory.

Relevant ongoing research

a)  Citizens and stakeholder involvement in Placemkin in Nature Park  

b) Forming Niches in Eco-tourism

 Innovative impacts on enterprises from environmental and technological policy and stakeholder relations

c)  Local  deliberation, experimentation and environment.

d)  Environmental transition and technological systems

d)  State theory and the ecologial state

e)  Environmental Health Promotion Policies and Strategies

Recent Papers & Publications

Holm, Jesper, J. O. Jensen, I. Stauning og B. Søndergaard (red.) (2014): Bæredygtig omstilling i bolig og byggeri, Frydenlund Academic –   Kap. 1:Jesper Holm B. Søndergård, I. Stauning og J.O. Jensen: Introduktion; Kap. 2 Bent Søndergaard, J.Holm og I. Stauning: Bæredygtig omstilling af bolig-energisystemer,  Kap. 4 Jesper Holm og R.L.Sørensen (interview med Søren DyckMadsen): Teknologispor i energirigtigt/bæredygtigt byggeri,  Kap. 11 Jesper Holm, B.Søndergaard og I.Stauning:   Kommunernes rolle i klimaomstilling af byggeriet

From, Ditte-Marie, J. Holm, K. Kristensen og Henrik Sørensen (2013): Sundhedsfremmende pædagogik i hverdagskulturen, RUC   

Holm, Jesper Holm, Line Maria Bram Pedersen & Søren Sørensen (2013): Experiencing organic farms and food by regional tourism innovation, in: Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Soil & Plant Science, Volume 63, Supplement 1 Special Issue: Local Food - a step towards better and more environmentally friendly products

Holm, Jesper, B. Søndergaard & I. Stauning (2012)Local transition strategies for low carbon construction and housing – studies of innovative Danish municipalities, in Pernille Almlund, Per Homann Jespersen & Søren Riis (eds.): Rethinking Climate Change Research : Clean-technology, Culture and Communication, Ashgate

Holm, Jesper: Natur og Sundhed (2012), i Keld Bucieck: Kritiske perspektiver på natur- og nationalparker, Frydenlund

Holm, J., B. Søndergaard og O.E. Hansen (2012): Omstilling af komplekse teknologisystemer i: Thyge Enevoldsen og Erling Jelsøe (red.): Tværvidenskab i teori og praksis, Hans Reitzel

Holm, J. og Birgitte Ravn Olesen (2012): Alternativ behandling og sundhedsfremme, i Betina Dybroe, Birgit land og Steen Baagø Nielsen (red.): Sundhedsfremme i samfunds- og hverdagslivsperspektiv, Samfundslitteratur

Lau, Charlotte., J. Holm, J. Andersen og B. Dybbroe (2012): Strategier for integreret sundhedsfremme, Samfundslitteratur, Roskilde Universitetsforlag

Rank, Jette og J. Holm (2012) : Miljø- og sundhedsviden - hverdagslivets udfordringer i: Betina Dybroe, Birgit land og Steen Baagø Nielsen (red.): Sundhedsfremme i samfunds- og hverdagslivsperspektiv, Samfundslitteratur

Ekspertise relateret til FN’s Verdensmål

I 2015 blev FN-landene enige om 17 Verdensmål til at standse fattigdom, beskytte planeten og sikre velstand for alle. Denne persons arbejde bidrager til følgende verdensmål:

  • Verdensmål 3 - Sundhed og trivsel
  • Verdensmål 9 - Industri, innovation og infrastruktur
  • Verdensmål 11 - Bæredygtige byer og lokalsamfund
  • Verdensmål 12 - Ansvarligt forbrug og produktion
  • Verdensmål 13 - Klimaindsats
  • Verdensmål 17 - Partnerskaber for handling


  • Miljø, Energi, Natur, Ressourcer
  • Oplevelse, Turisme, Performance
  • Offentlig administration, styring og forvaltning
  • Samfundsøkonomi, Politik
  • Sundhed, Medicin


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