Personlig profil


I am an associate professor of political journalism and comparative media studies at the Department of Communication and Arts (DCA), Roskilde University (RUC). I hold a Phd (Dr.phil.) in political communication from Freie Universität Berlin. 
I research the political nature of digital publics and counterpublics. I am particularly interested in how the sharing of and exposure to different types of alternative news and information on digital platforms can contribute to political engagement and identity formation, but also to political polarization, radicalization and misinformation.
I am currently principal investigator on three research projects: Alternative Media and Ideological Counterpublics (AlterPublics) (funded by the Carlsberg Foundation; 2021-2025), AlterUse - Digital Alternative News Use in Denmark (funded by Independent Research Fund Denmark, 2023-2026) and #echopol - Modelling polarization dynamics on Danish social media (funded by Independent Research Fund Denmark, 2023-2026).
I am a member of the steering committee of the Center for Digital Citizenship, and a member of the Center for News Research and the Roskilde University Digital Media Lab.
I am the editor-in-chief of Journalistica – the Nordic Journal for Journalism Research, and a member of the editorial board of Digital Journalism and Social Media + Society. I am the author of the book “Elite Cohesion in Mediatized Politics: European Perspectives” (Rowman & Littlefield, 2019) and have published in and served as a reviewer to academic journals such as “Digital Journalism”, “International Journal of Press/Politics”, “Journalism Studies”, "Social Media + Society" and “Policy & Internet”.


At Roskilde University, I teach and supervise at the BA and MA in Journalism and the MA in Media and Communication, as well as the social science and humanities base track. In my teaching, I focus specifically on research design and methods, the media’s democratic role, political communication as well as on the analysis of digital and social media. I currently serve as the Head of the Study Board of Communication Studies and Journalism and as the master thesis coordinator for the MA in Journalism.


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