• Universitetsvej 1, 42.2

    DK-4000 Roskilde


Personlig profil


Daniel is a social media researcher working on a Ph.D. thesis on white nationalist media use, media manipulation and use of disinformation. The thesis is based on both ethnographic and digital methods approaches and aims to create a holistic methodological approach that combines the close and distant reading techniques of such a methodology.

With a background in Techno-Anthropology and a focus on media studies and STS his research interest are related to the workings of the social internet from a socio-technical viewpoint.

Uddannelse (Akademiske kvalifikationer)

Techno-Anthropology, Kandidat, Research Flat Earth - A study of cosmology and rationality

Dimissionsdato: 28 jan. 2019

Eksterne ansættelser

Forskningsassistent, Aalborg Universitet, København

1 feb. 20191 apr. 2019

Forskningspraktikant, University of Amsterdam

1 sep. 201831 jan. 2019