Publikationer pr. år
Publikationer pr. år
Universitetsvej 1, 25.1
DK-4000 Roskilde
My primary research interest revolves around governance-related topics, focusing on the coordination and organization of functionally differentiated societal processes. This encompasses exploring questions concerning how various societal functions are managed and harmonized to ensure effective governance.
I currently work with how collaborative governance (and its cognate concepts) can be leveraged to solve climate- and sustainability-related challenges on the local level. I am interested in understanding how collaborative networks are organized and governed, especially in relation to the dimensions of control and power involved. To this end, I am participating in a research project (GOGREEN) that seeks to identify what governance factors are necessary and sufficient for the successful co-creation of green solutions to local climate and sustainability challenges. As part of this overarching research project, my focus has been on examining the application of collaborative governance within specific contexts such as circular economies, mangrove conservation and restoration, renewable energy politics, nature parks, and the co-design of sustainable housing. These areas have been of particular interest as I explore how collaborative approaches contribute to addressing complex challenges and fostering sustainable practices.
I have also been preoccupied with questions relating to the Chinese political economy and its system of spatial governance. My PhD project examined the many ways in which the Chinese Communist Party qua capitalist state has molded the locational geographies of Chinese capitalism through various state spatial strategies. I examined through a comparative-historical approach how a spatial division of labor between the coastal and inland regions has been continuously reproduced through an ensemble of spatial tools and modes of intervention, such as infrastructural development plans, regional development plans, urban policies, and zoning strategies.
Current teaching
I am willing to supervise interdisciplinary projects that work within the theme of governance, especially if they crosscut the following disciplines: international political economy, political and economic geography, public administration, and sociology.
I 2015 blev FN-landene enige om 17 Verdensmål til at standse fattigdom, beskytte planeten og sikre velstand for alle. Denne persons arbejde bidrager til følgende verdensmål:
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Andet › Udgivelser på nettet - Net-publikation › Formidling
Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapport › Encyclopædiartikel › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskrift › Tidsskriftartikel › Forskning › peer review
Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapport › Rapport › Forskning
01/10/2022 → 01/10/2025
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
Torfing, J., Sørensen, E., Hustad, O. B. & Chen-Florea, A. L. Q.
01/04/2022 → 31/03/2026
Projekter: Projekt › Forskning
Alexander Linyu Qian Chen (Fagfællebedømmer)
Aktivitet: Redaktionelt arbejde og fagfællebedømmelse › Peer reviewer/fagfællebedømmer af manuskripter › Forskning
Alexander Linyu Qian Chen (Fagfællebedømmer)
Aktivitet: Redaktionelt arbejde og fagfællebedømmelse › Peer reviewer/fagfællebedømmer af manuskripter › Forskning
Alexander Linyu Qian Chen (Oplægsholder)
Aktivitet: Tale eller præsentation › Foredrag og mundtlige bidrag
Alexander Linyu Qian Chen (Fagfællebedømmer)
Aktivitet: Redaktionelt arbejde og fagfællebedømmelse › Peer reviewer/fagfællebedømmer af manuskripter › Forskning
Alexander Linyu Qian Chen (Fagfællebedømmer)
Aktivitet: Redaktionelt arbejde og fagfællebedømmelse › Peer reviewer/fagfællebedømmer af manuskripter › Forskning