Læring, Uddannelse og Pædagogik (LEAP)



The research group on Learning, Education and Pedagogy covers a diverse range of learning processes from a lifelong perspective and learning environments across institutional contexts and everyday life. The research focuses on learning within different life phases of children, young people, adults and Elderly People, and in a variety of contexts such as educational institutions, welfare interventions, families, professions and Working life and related to social innovation.

The group’s Interdisciplinary and problem-oriented research explores subjective processes of learning and identity formation and the societal, cultural and institutional conditions for participation and learning. This includes attention to how technological and societal transformations affect education and training as professional and institutional fields.

The aim is to contribute to critical and holistic theory building, to innovative and dialogic methods development, and to a recognition of the importance of learning in all social, cultural and political relations. Often, research gives voice to disadvantaged groups conducted in direct collaboration with people and organisations in the field as well as actors in civil society.

The overarching research ambition is to contribute to social justice and equality, democratic scholarly knowledge building and social and ecological sustainability.


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