Commodifying Compassion: Danish Institutional Context Database

  • Mette Fog Olwig (Ophavsmand)
  • Lisa Ann Richey (Copenhagen Business School) (Ophavsmand)
  • Mie Vestergaard (Ophavsmand)
  • Lisa Ann Richey (Bidrager)

Data set


As part of the "Commodifying Compassion: Implications of Turning People and Humanitarian Causes into Marketable Things" research project (2017-2023), funded by the Danish Council for Independent Research, the project team analyzed a series of humanitarian partnerships between government agencies, not-for-profit humanitarian organizations and for-profit corporations centered around commitments to donate proceeds of product sales to social causes. Background databases on the proliferation of this type of partnership were compiled for three donor country contexts - the US, Denmark and Italy - as part of this research. This deposit contains the institutional data for Denmark, which informed two of the project's publications. This work was supported by Samfund og Erhverv, Det Frie Forskningsråd [6109-00158]. Support from the Danish Council for Independent Research for the project Commodifying Compassion (Richey, PI 6109-00158B).
Dato for tilgængelighed2023
ForlagHarvard Dataverse

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