EU er en succes, som Danmark holder sig på afstand af

  • Ian Manners



The EU is a success that Denmark keeps its distance from First he says in English that he would say something in English about Denmark and the EU. Then he adds: "But do not worry. The rest of the afternoon is in Danish." Sure, he lives up to its name, Briton Ian Manners, when he courteously welcome syou to the conference: "Danish perspectives on 50 years of the European Union." Organizers are University of Copenhagen, Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS) and the Danish Society for European Research (DSE). Ian Manners has now stayed half years as a senior researcher at DIIS, and he is surprised by an observation, that he likes to share with his audience: "Denmark has through its EU membership and its research in European conditions a disproportionate influence, but this underestimated in Denmark." As Denmark's significant contribution to the EU mentions Ian Manners democracy and citizen participation and attempt to prevent ordinary Europeans skepticism by the EU. Several researchers highlights later in the day in their speeches that the media and politicians are staring themselves blind on EU-changing 'crises'. Thus they lose sight of the EU in its 50-anniversary, above all, must be called a success that surpasses all expectations one might have its formation in 1957.
Periode24 jul. 2007




  • TitelEU er en succes, som Danmark holder sig på afstand af
    Mediets navn/udløbInformation
    Producer/forfatterDavid Rehling
    PersonerIan Manners