Webinar: Bildung and plasticity

Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangering af en begivenhedOrganisation og deltagelse i konference


The philosophy of Catherine Malabou is quickly catching the attention of scholars in a lot of different fields. One of the main questions Malabou has sought to answer is "what should we do with our brain?". That question is of obvious interest to anyone concerned with philosophy of education. In this Webinar, Centre for Research on Problem-oriented Project Learning at Roskilde University, invites an investigation and discussion on how the thinking of Malabou, and in particular her key concept of plasticity, can help us reimagine how we think about education.
Periode1 jun. 2022
Grad af anerkendelseInternational


  • Malabou
  • Hogstad
  • plasticity
  • bildung