Thematic Network on Arctic Sustainable Resources and Social Responsibility (Ekstern organisation)

Aktivitet: MedlemsskabMedlemskab af forskningsnetværk


The network offers opportunities for experts and practitioners of all disciplines to share knowledge and interact for sustainability. This may relate to natural resource extraction as well as resource management in a broad sense (including non-exploitation), capacity building, migration, eco-tourism, indigenous knowledge as a resource of significance of its own for sustainable Arctic futures, and a range of other issues.

Overall Goal
Taking point of departure in sustainability in an Arctic resources context, TN ASRSR aims at contributing to an enhanced understanding of what social responsibility as a practice that may be exercised by different organisations means. We work to enhance interdisciplinary communication and knowledge-sharing of insights from social and natural sciences and the humanities for the above purpose. The TN is envisaged to operate dynamically as a building ground for knowledge sharing, course design, and bringing research-based knowledge to relevant actors in the circumpolar Arctic, depending on financial, human and other resources available to the TN. Educating the next generation of experts and decision-makers in Arctic resources is a significant element of the goal.
Periode1 jan. 2021 → …
Sted for afholdelseThematic Network on Arctic Sustainable Resources and Social Responsibility, Finland
Grad af anerkendelseInternational