The Research Process and how to get a PHD out of it: Introduction course for PHD students

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    27 August 2008 12-13: Registration and sandwiches in the lecturing room. 13-13.30: Introduction and presentation, Associate Professor Poul Bitsch Olsen 13.30-14.45: Interesting research questions and the role of theory, Associate Professor John Howells, ASB 14.45-15.00: Coffee 15.00-16.30: Research questions and the philosophy of science and its implications for your choice of method, Associate Professor Poul Bitsch Olsen, RUC Fuglsang, Lars and Olsen, PB eds., (2005) 'Videnskabstheori I Samfundsvidenskaberne,' København, RUC's Forlag 16.30-17.30: Seminar on research questions and their relation to a field of knowledge and method. 28 AUGUST 2008 9.15–10.45: The literature review and the process of writing the dissertation, Associate Professor Lars Fuglsang, RUC 10.45-11.00: Coffee 11.00-12.30: Student presentations 1: Choice of research question related to theoretical background 12.30-13.30: Lunch 13.30- 15.30: Research work as practical activity: what can one accomplish and achieve in a PhD thesis? Professor Keijo Räsänen, Helsinki School of Economics 15.30-16.00: Coffee 16.00–18.00: Student presentations 2: Choice of method and how related to research question 19.00-20.30: Joint Dinner at Hotel Prindsen, Roskilde 29 August 2008 09.15-10.30: Workshop 1: Research communication and publication and the PhD thesis - monography vs. anthology and other issues: Mercy Kamara, PhD, CBIT, Roskilde University. 10.30-11.00: Coffee 11.00-12.00: Workshop 2: The Discipline of Dissertation Writing (i.e. habits ex. allocating fixed writing times, filing systems, of eliminating unnecessary personal relationships (see Sternberg!)). Networks and the scientific community - value and challenge. Associate Professors Poul Bitsch Olsen and John Howells. Butler, G. and Hope, T. (1995) Manage your mind: the mental fitness guide. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 12.00- 12.30: Evaluation 12.30-13.30: Lunch and departure
    Periode27 aug. 200829 aug. 2008
    BegivenhedstitelThe Research Process and how to get a PHD out of it: Introduction course for PHD students
    PlaceringRoskilde, DanmarkVis på kort