Territorial Rights: Their Nature, Justification, and Practical Implications

Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangering af en begivenhedOrganisation og deltagelse i konference


The nature, justification and practical implications of territorial rights constitute a new and expanding field of research within political theory. What is the relation between territorial sovereignty and its component rights – such as rights of jurisdiction, rights over natural resources, and the right to control border movements? Can only states have territorial rights? How can territorial rights be justified, and what are their resultant scope and strength? Can such rights for example be justified in contractualist, democratic or nationalist ways? And what constraints, if any, limit the territorial rights of states? Which entities are the bearers of the correlative duties implied by the existence of territorial rights? At the applied level of political practice, territorial rights are relevant to traditional discussions about political authority, legitimacy, and global justice. The workshop will pay special attention to the issues of immigration and secession, which are central to much political debate at the moment, and both of which involve questions about territorial rights. Workshop conveners: Kim Angell (University of Oslo), and Sune Lægaard (Roskilde University). Speakers:  Christopher Heath Wellman (Philosophy, Washington University in St. Louis) Title: “Political Legitimacy and Territorial Rights”  Cara Nine (Philosophy, University College Cork) Title: “The Division of the Commons and Territorial Rights”  Chris Bertram (Philosophy, University of Bristol) Title: tba  Chris Armstrong (Politics and International Relations, University of Southampton) Title: “Beyond national control over natural resources”  Sune Lægaard (Philosophy, Roskilde University) Title: “Territorial Rights, Political Association, and Immigration: Some problems for liberals”  Jouni Reinikainen (Political Science, Stockholm University) Title: “Ockupation, Colonization and Secession: Initial Membership in Newly Independent States”  Jörgen Ödalen (Political Science, Uppsala University) Title: “Hidden Beneath the Surface: Deterritorialized States and Ocean Sovereignty”  Kim Angell (Political Science, University of Oslo) Title: “Needs and Territorial Rights” Preliminary program: (order might be subject to change) Thursday, April 28 Room: Grupperom 7 Chair: Robert Huseby (Political Science, University of Oslo) 9:30 – 10:45: Wellman 11:00 – 12:15: Lægaard 12:15 – 13:15: Lunch 13:15 – 14:30: Angell 14:45 – 16:00: Reinikainen Friday, April 29 Rooms: Grupperom 1 (10:30-11:45) and Undervisningsrom 3 (12:00-17:00) Chair: tba 10:30 – 11:45: Nine 12:00 – 13:15: Armstrong 13:15 – 14:15: Lunch 14:15 – 15:30: Bertram 15:45 – 17:00: Ödalen Participation: If you want to attend the workshop, please send an email to: [email protected] Workshop funded
Periode28 apr. 201129 apr. 2011
PlaceringOslo, NorgeVis på kort


  • territorium
  • rettigheder
  • stat
  • suverænitet
  • international retfærdighed
  • immigration
  • løsrivelse