SIPLACS- Nordic network (Ekstern organisation)

    Aktivitet: MedlemsskabMedlemskab af forskningsnetværk


    Nordic Network:
    Societies of the north face still more complex challenges due to globalisation, neo-liberal forces and high mobility of people and technologies. Changes in life styles, in production systems and in cultural values creates fragmentation and marginal positions in urban as well as in rural areas. Despite assymetric power relations, these challenges also provide new opportunties for local and regional Development based on collective initiatives and action. The network "Social innovation, planning and community studies" (SIPLACS) is a Nordic partnership of researchers in social studies and planning with a strong emphasis on concrete empirical studies at the local and regional levels. The network comprises esearchers in the fields of action research, innovation, empowerment and governance, and with empirical references from - among others – health promotion, planning, community development and local government. A key feature of the network is the experiences of all resesarchers in doing exemplary
    practice oriented studies at the local level. Another key feature of the network is that it brings together experienced researchers from studies of larger urban contexts with researchers on small scale rural contexts, i.e. the nordic and arctic centers and peripheries. The overall aim of this network therefore is
    to join these resources and together develop research based educational tools (curricula, textbooks, ICT, etc) based on our best-practice and research based experiences, and in a dynamic interaction with different stakeholders as well. This first year of the development of the network will consist of two joint meetings and teacher mobility as well.
    Periode1 mar. 2015 → …
    Sted for afholdelseSIPLACS- Nordic network