Scandinavian Sustainability Transitions Revisited in an Intersectional Perspective

Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangering af en begivenhedDeltagelse i workshop, seminar og kursus


The green transition and social sustainability efforts on behalf of multiple sectors and actors is a prerequisite for grappling with the planetary threats of climate change and consequent environmental and societal degradation. Nevertheless, budding research findings highlight the socio-economic inequalities that sustainability measures not only do not serve to solve, but perhaps come to exacerbate. This developing perspective highlights that their discursive make-up and implementation do little, to nothing, to question the capitalist, neoliberal systems of production and environmental and labour exploitation that have gotten us ‘here’ in the first place. There is thus a need for a deeper engagement with the social justice dimension of whom it is that suffers the brunt, or reaps the benefits, from the transition efforts.
We invite for an examination of how discourses and practices that we call sustainable green transitioning (re)produce a plethora of entrenched inequalities. Across the sites where everyday lives are lead, implementations are envisioned, decisions are negotiated, and interventions are performed, we invite a collective and interdisciplinary questioning: What are the intersectional consequences of sustainability efforts, and how can we do otherwise? The seminar presentations encompass a multiplicity of sectoral perspectives, dealing for example, with housing, the energy sector, working life, etc. We engage with both practice and discourse and examine the embeddedness of values that shape how we vision, understand and implement sustainability measures, and with what intersectional impact and consequences.
Periode6 dec. 2023
PlaceringRoskilde, DanmarkVis på kort
Grad af anerkendelseInternational


  • bæredygtighed
  • Sustainability
  • intersektionalitet
  • intersectionality