Research seminar: Trust Dynamics in the governance of children and youth

Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangering af en begivenhedDeltagelse i workshop, seminar og kursus


Research workshop “Trust dynamics in the governance of children and youth in Europe” October the 28th and 29th 2010 Schedule Thursday the 28th 13.30- 14.00: Welcome, presentation of participants and the agenda of the workshop 14.00-14.30: Presentation reviewers comments and advices 14.30- 15.00: Presentation by Michael Christensen, RUC: “What kind of trust in what kind of context? The conceptualization of trust in childhood research” 15.00-15.10: Coffee 15.10-15.40: Presentation by Hanne Warming, RUC: “Theorizing the relationship between trust and children’s participation and citizenship” 15.40-16.10: Presentation by Jacquline Turton, Essex University: “Betrayal of trust – victims of maternal incest” 16.10-16.40: Presentation by Julia Grosse, Ersta Sköndal högskola: “Trust dynamics in a life course perspective”. 16.40-17.00: A walk around the lake 17.00-17.30: Presentation by Sharon Pinkney, The Open University, Yorkshire: Trust relationships between children, young people and social welfare professionals 17.30-18.00: Presentation by Claudio Baraldi, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia: “Trust, facilitation and adolescent’s participation in educational interactions” 19.30 Dinner in Copenhagen Friday the 29th 9.15-9.45: Presentation by Hanne Warming of three chapters written by: Maria-Carmen Pantea, Babes-Bolyai University; Mirjana Ule, University of Ljubljana; and Leena Alanen, University of Jyväskylä, Finland, respectively 9.45-10.15: Presentation by Jo Moran-Ellis, University of Surrey, UK 10.15-11.00: Tom Cockburn: Coherence, organizing themes, and closing chapter 11.00-11.10: Coffee 11.10-11.30: Hanne Warming: Possibilities for (application for) funding of collaboration: Networking and joined research 11.30-12.00: Hanne Warming: Presentation of idea for joint research, including criteria for evaluation 12.00-12.40: Lunch 12.40-13.10: Walk and talk about the idea and the draft proposal 13.10-13.40: Brainstorm: critics, identification of strengths (for further development), ideas/suggestions, sub-projects 13.40-13.50: Identification of tasks for improvement 13.50-14.20: Working with the improvements in two or three groups 14.20-14.50: Presentation and discussion 14.50-15.00: Planning on the next steps: Who will write on which parts, deadlines, future meetings? 15.00-15.10: Coffee 15.10-15.30: Hanne Warming: Idea and application for Cost Action including criteria for evaluation 15.30-16.00: Brainstorm critics, identification of strengths (for further development), ideas/suggestions 16.00-16.30: Identification of tasks for improvement, deciding on next the steps 16.30-16.45: Closing discussion
Periode28 okt. 201029 okt. 2010
PlaceringRoskilde/København, DanmarkVis på kort


  • Children
  • youth
  • trust
  • participation
  • citizenship