Reconfiguring the Living Room - Collective practice-based workshop in curatorial remixing

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Conceptually and materially, The Living Room is an open-ended experiment rather than a static exhibition. Since its inception a year and a half ago, brought about by a group of artists and researchers, it has continued to change and metabolize – by way of transdisciplinary dialogue and contamination, by exposure to an engaged public, by the very unexpected emergent qualities of its intrinsic organic materiality. Rust, mould, mushrooms and waxworms are naturally unruly collaborators and very resourceful creative agents.
Not to be outdone by the more-than-human, the merely human inceptors also want to
challenge stagnation and actively contribute to these ongoing generative processes! Thus, this workshop wishes to instigate change at the embodied curatorial level, by collectively intervening in The Living Room through experimentation with different reconfiguration strategies. In line with the project’s guidelines the outcome is the process, a more-or-less improvised remixing of the space, a playful and curiosity-driven dis- and replacement of the objects, and a real-time negotiation of the ways to navigate it. In short, letting the complex resonances of embodied associations guide our immersive experience of The Living Room, while paying attention to traces and new potentials.
The workshop will start with an introduction to applied creative strategies of curation,
inspired by the transdisciplinary fields of Artistic Research and Performance Design, and combining scenographic, choreographic and dramaturgic approaches. Another source of inspiration are “curatorial-manifesto-as-artwork” projects such as Prem Krishnamurthy’s Endless Exhibition (Kunsthal Gent, 2018 - ∞).
Periode7 jun. 2022
Sted for afholdelseMedicinsk Museion, Danmark
Grad af anerkendelseInternational


  • Artistic Research
  • Biomedical Science
  • History of Medicine
  • Performance
  • Co-creation
  • Art
  • Science