MedieKultur: Journal of media and communication research (Tidsskrift)

Aktivitet: Redaktionelt arbejde og fagfællebedømmelseRedaktør af tidsskriftForskning


MedieKultur: Journal of Media and Communication Research

MedieKultur is a peer-reviewed journal of media and communications studies that encourages stimulating ideas, sound thinking and strong arguments without any dogmatic preference for certain schools of thought. The journal is aimed at scholars, teachers, students, and professionals. MedieKultur publishes research into mediated communication in all its various contexts: political, economic, cultural, historical, aesthetic, and social. MedieKultur is a multi-disciplinary journal and welcomes articles contributing to critical reflection and the further development of theory and method within media and communication studies.

- medlem af redaktionsgruppen - redaktør for MedieKultur Nr. 52
Periode1 feb. 201031 jan. 2014
Type af tidsskriftTidsskrift