International Network on Hannah Arendt and Education - Thematic seminar: "Exemplarity”, February 3

  • Kasper Anthon Sørensen (Deltager)
  • Warren, S. (Arrangør)

Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangering af en begivenhedDeltagelse i workshop, seminar og kursus


In these thematic seminars, we pick up on themes or concepts from previous seminars, that we feel needed more thought. There will not be any required readings, and what we are aiming for is simply engaged scholarly conversation about the chosen themes. We hope this will be a space for collective “free” thinking, and as such different from the usual scholarly discourse where there is something at stake in the form of research or ideas being tested and tried. Here, it will be the activity of “thinking in common” as such that we will test and try.

Morten Korsgaard will open the discussion on exemplarity. This will be followed by an open discussion.
Periode3 feb. 2022
PlaceringRoskilde, DanmarkVis på kort
Grad af anerkendelseInternational