Hygge Factory (Ekstern organisation)

Aktivitet: MedlemsskabMedlemskab af styrelse i virksomhed eller organisation


Hygge Factory involves young people and mentors in intensive writing and multi-media workshops. The organization provides frameworks that support youth in personal expressions through writing songs or essays, designing spaces and more with input from professional artists. The various projects are built on values of empowerment, and artistic or what can be called "creative competence" through a collaborative learning process that unfolds between young people and adults (mentors and artists). Some of the participating youth are “marginalized” youth, such as refugees, migrants, those undergoing treatment or in need of special support due to crisis (such as losing a parent).
The financial support comes from foundations and the public sector, as well as crowd-funding efforts.

Medlem af referencegruppe

Body type: NGO
Periode1 feb. 20131 feb. 2015
Sted for afholdelseHygge Factory, Danmark


  • Fortællinger
  • projektudvikling med unge
  • narrativitet
  • kultur
  • kunstneriske processer