Fluid States North

  • Sanne Krogh Groth (Arrangør)

Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangering af en begivenhedOrganisation og deltagelse i konference


FLUID SOUNDS is a conference taking the bodily, situated and affective modes of research into play. By merging anthropologies of sound with site-specific audio-performances we explore new ways of investigating places/spaces. Underlining listening, sensing and experiencing as part of research processes, we wish to combine art and knowledge. FLUID SOUNDS is not only an exploration of how to gain knowledge through site-specific audio performance, it is also a conference that transforms academic knowledge into performances, and performances into situated aesthetic knowledge. The conference consists of three parts Day 1) Keynote presentations and performances by international sound artists and researchers. Days 2+3) Audio production where participants produce their own academic audio papers. Day 4) Presentation and transmission of audio papers. As this format is easily transmitted across oceans, borders and disciplines, the audio papers produced during the conference will be transmitted to the other PSi conference platforms. After the conference, the audio papers will be published in a peer reviewed volume collecting the most though-provoking Fluid Sounds in an special issue in the online journal Seismograf/DMT.
Periode18 jun. 201521 jun. 2015
PlaceringCopenhagen, DanmarkVis på kort