In 1991 Michael Grätzel introduced the dye sensitized nano crystalline titan dioxide solar cells
(DSC or Grätzel cell) with a remarkable solar to electricity efficiency of 7 %.1,2 During the last 5 years the DSC field has exploded and a number of commercial company's world wide has begun
production of DSC solar panels, i.e. G24i located in Cardiff. Even though the efficiency of the best DSC cells (11%) is still a factor of two less than the best silicon solar cells, the DSC production technology are relative simple and production costs low. The DSC cells may be applied on glass, polymers or steel and therefore have a very broad application range.
Besides efficiency and low price stability of the solar cell is a very important parameter. As the dye is one of the key elements in the DSC cells its essential to understand "what can go wrong" with the dye during solar cell operation and how to avoid or minimize possible side reactions.
After a general DSC introduction I will report on our DSC research in Roskilde which focus on the understanding of the DSC degradation chemistry of some of the most popular ruthenium dyes used in DSC cells.3-6
Periode | 3 okt. 2008 |
Begivenhedstitel | Dansk Elektrokemisk Forenings Årsmøde 2008 |
Begivenhedstype | Konference |
Placering | Odense, DanmarkVis på kort |