Dansk sociologkongres 2012

Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangering af en begivenhedOrganisation og deltagelse i konference


Sesssion coordinator and call for paper on affects, emotions and imitations. In sociology and cultural geography, recent years have brought about a focus upon social processes bypassing individual consciousness and power of judgment; in urban space, in the workplace, and in all kinds of fashion trends and cultural production, but also in interaction and communication. Gabriel Tarde's concept of imitation and invention has been re-actualised by, among others, Bruno Latour, paralleled by Nigel Thrift's re-actualisation of a new (Deleuzian) notions of affect relating both to the space of the city ("spatialities of feeling") and the work life. The topic Affects, emotions, and imitations relates to the overall theme Troubled Identities in that it investigates the role of the subject - and its lack of mastery - concerning affects, emotions, and imitation. However, the workshop will also allow traditional and more phenomenological conceptions of emotions and emotional sociology as well as discussing possible connections between newer affect sociology and the interest of earlier urban sociology in the modern city, its materiality and expression (Simmel, Benjamin). We call for papers relating to topics on affects, emotions and imitation: - Affective urbanism, its production and counter-productions - Imitation at the workplace, in the cultural sphere and in urban life - The distribution of urban, socio-cultural movements and trends - Spatial imitation and urban sociology - Emotional production in the experience economy - Affect sociology and its consequences for experience design We encourage both empirical and theoretical papers. We also encourage experimental presentations using affective methods such as auditive and visual communication.
Periode26 jan. 2012
PlaceringAarhus, DanmarkVis på kort


  • Affect
  • Emotion
  • Imitation
  • Cultural industry
  • Urban development
  • identity
  • events
  • Spatial imitation