Dansk belysningsteknologier under et Globalt Økologisk-fodaftryk perspektiv

  • Araceli Bjarklev (Foredragsholder)

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    Europe almost stagnated during the 1990ies, studies reveal that for the next 30 years the consumption of electricity will again increase making the 20% reduction of CO2 goal almost impossible to achieve. Despite the appearance of many energy-saving devises in the 1990ies, the Living Planet Report of 2006 highlighted that humanity´s Ecological Footprint, our impact over the planet, has more than tripled since 1961. This report indicates that our footprint now exceeds the world's ability to regenerate by about 25 percent. Compact fluorescent lamps are currently in the plans of many countries to phase out the incandescent lamp; however the emergence of other illumination technologies such as Light emitting diodes (LEDs) are currently setting in question whether the fluorescent lamp is the technology that best can  reduce the illumination ecological footprint. Europe and more specifically Denmark, a country with a strong experience on photonic technologies, could contribute reducing the lighting ecological footprint due to its human, and physical capitals related to this industry. Still Europe struggles with the paradox of losing productive jobs in this sector. This study explores the question: What are the main possibilities and limitations for the Danish Photonic Industry to help reducing the global illumination ecological footprint and what can be improved in the current illumination value chain in order to implement the possibilities?
    Periode27 aug. 2008
    Begivenhedstiteli-techpartner Energy Academy
    PlaceringSvinninge, Holbæk, DanmarkVis på kort