Book Launch “Transdisciplinary Thinking from the Global South. Whose problems, whose solutions?” Part of the four-author panel

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Date: September 2, 2022 (13.00-15.00).
Place: 43.2-29

13- 13.50 or 14 (approximately)
Short introduction
Discussant panel:
Could you please introduce yourself briefly, and perhaps situate yourself in relation to the topics of this book? – word to the discussants

Why did you say yes to being a discussant for this book? How does it resonate with your work? – word to the discussants

(An invitation for immediate follow- up questions from the audience)

Short break
Immediately after the break: discussions in the audience in small groups: how did the discussants’ responses spark curiosity about the themes of the book? Did they surprise or provoke you in any way, considering ideas about knowledge production and problematisation happening at RUC?

Author panel from 14.15 (latest):
What were your hopes for how ideas from your chapters might travel, the work they might do in and outside the university? How dis these resonate with the discussants’ reactions to the book?

After initial responses from authors: questions from the audience

From 15.00 onwards: reception. It would be great if you had time to linger a bit with us.

Linda Lapina, associate professor at Cultural Encounters

Cultural Encounters invites to its open semester start event, in which we will reflect upon and discuss the question:
Whose Problems, Whose Solutions?
Roskilde University educates problem solvers: highly skilled professionals that know how to work collectively to apply their knowledge in order to solve practical problems in society. Indeed, the problem-based approach is relevant and pertinent, reflecting critically upon societal problems and providing novel perspectives and alternative solutions to them. In this event, we are interested in tuning in to the centrality of critique by questioning and reflecting upon whose problems we are actually addressing, and what/whose problems we are disregarding in that very same framing.
The stage for this event is set by the recent publication of the book: Transdisciplinary thinking from the global south. Whose Problems, whose solutions? The book includes contributions from RU staff and alumni, and applies transdisciplinary and ‘indiscliplined’ perspectives to the Anthropocene in the Himalayas, transport services in Mexico City, the EU-Turkey border regimes and policy; egoism and decolonization of whiteness; the Witch and the decolonization of the gender binary; Nepalese students in Denmark, and the decolonization of global health promotion. It will include a dynamic and multidimensional discussion among some of the contributors to the book, the invited discussants, and the attendees. This involves a great balance between independent researchers, scholars and activists.

Linda Lapina Chairperson
Periode2 sep. 2022
BegivenhedstitelBook Launch " Whose problems, whose solutions" : organised by CUlture Encounters, Department of Communication & Art
PlaceringRoskilde , DanmarkVis på kort
Grad af anerkendelseInternational


  • global health
  • quest for equity
  • decolonising
  • human encounter
  • inclusion of the local others