29th International Conference on Psychology and the Arts
Camelia Elias (Deltager)
Aktivitet: Deltagelse i eller arrangering af en begivenhed › Deltagelse i workshop, seminar og kursus
Presentation of paper in the organized panel: The Pychology of Divination. My topic: 'Psychomagic: The Psychology of Divination in Tarot.'
Ever since their emergence as a tool for divination, sometime around 1450, Tarot cards have been associated with modes of self-perception, alternative world-views that derail our sense of what we call reality, and shamanistic practices. My claim is that a tarot pack of cards is participatory in anyone’s creative potential to make visible an invisible world in a process that is not merely cognitive, nor merely psychological, but poetic and therefore, par excellence, out of this world.